Holiday Parks And Leisure Parks In Newport

Our MISSION is to PROTECT, ELEVATE, RECOGNISE, SUPPORT and TRAIN UK Park Operators and Service Providers

Holiday Parks And Leisure Parks In Newport

Newport is a county residing inside Wales. Newport has a population of approximately 145,700 residing inside the county. Newport is known for being a huge part in the coal exporting industry inside Wales where they ship tons of crates with coal. Newport is constantly filled with different cultural activities and festivals annually. If you’re looking to go on holiday and make unforgettable experiences this shall be for you with a plethora of theme parks and activities to do such as, Jump Adventure Trampoline Park, Stardust Amusements, Energi Leisure Parks.

What is the Park Home and Holiday Park Association?

At the Park Home and Holiday Park Association, we are here to help Park Operators, Manufacturers, Service Providers, and Suppliers into the industry grow. We offer an annual membership of £375 to help train, market, and support business owners in the industry. If you’re interested in our membership and how we can help support your business, you can find our membership options at We run regular webinars, where the business has been conducted live between members, and also run a live show throughout social media where members are featured and interviewed by our Managing Director Bradley Chapman. We also have a Directory to help people find/discover parks in the industry at 

Holiday Parks And Leisure Parks In Newport Video