Holiday Parks And Leisure Parks In Cardiff

Our MISSION is to PROTECT, ELEVATE, RECOGNISE, SUPPORT and TRAIN UK Park Operators and Service Providers

Holiday Parks And Leisure Parks In Cardiff

Cardiff is a county in Wales and is also the capital of Wales. Cardiff has a population of 484,591 people residing inside it. The Penarth Beach in Cardiff is spectacular, the horizon stretches across the entire ocean and beach with pure sand. The waves gently lull on the sandy shore, slowly breaking then receding. If you’re looking to explore and go on an adventure this place is for you filled with a plethora of activities and beaches to swim in. The area is host to many attractions such as theme parks and many more. Go down to Cardiff today and create wonderful experiences you’ll never forget.

What is the Park Home and Holiday Park Association?

At the Park Home and Holiday Park Association, we are here to help Park Operators, Manufacturers, Service Providers, and Suppliers into the industry grow. We offer an annual membership of £375 to help train, market, and support business owners in the industry. If you’re interested in our membership and how we can help support your business, you can find our membership options at We run regular webinars, where the business has been conducted live between members, and also run a live show throughout social media where members are featured and interviewed by our Managing Director Bradley Chapman. We also have a Directory to help people find/discover parks in the industry at 

Holiday Parks And Leisure Parks In Cardiff Video